Sunday, April 17, 2011

New Toy

We went computer shopping today and came home with a new toy!  We decided to get a Mac due to the perfect reputation they have.  I have never heard a Mac user regret buying one.  So yours truly will be blogging behind this beauty from now on!  Leave me tips in the comments if you have any, I need all the help I can get!


  1. You will love it. We love our macs.

  2. P.S. It may take just a bit to get used to the layout/different icons, but once you do you will be ecstatic.

  3. congrats! converting to mac was the best thing i've ever done (technology wise). you will looove how easy it is to use.

  4. Congrats on the new toy! I just bought a Mac as well - is that an Air or Pro? :) Lovely blog - I just followed you!

  5. Oh lucky you! I love my mac and couldn't live with out it! Have fun :)

  6. yay! i had a mac. i loved it. though i did have issues with the internet/memory. oh, and the battery. i think it's important to drain the battery every once in a while and let it sit overnight.

    have fun with it!

  7. I am sure you will love it! My husband has one and swears by it. Have a lovely week.

  8. New tech toys are the best! I'm currently contemplating a large desk top Mac to facilitate illustrator and photoshop editing.

  9. @Kat, it is the mac pro. Congrats on your new one too!
    @Claire, the mac people did say to let the batter drain each time before charging.
    @Julip Made, those desk tops are amazing! The colors are so vivid.

  10. Macs are the very best!! We have one and would never go back! :)

  11. I am soooooooooo jealous!!

    Monique xx

  12. I wonder how long it will be till the iPad and iPhone come along....I love all my Apple products--although I'm actually most savvy on my pc still. Our school is going 1:1 next year with Apple though, so I will be learning more! Yahoo!

  13. I'm so jealous! :D
